Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Persuasive Speech On Animal Welfare - 1644 Words

For some people raising livestock is way of life. We take pride in raising animals, treating them with respect and care. Some people have animals who have a end product that requires the animal to give it’s life so we can feed ourselves. After hours of taking care of animals we harbor a great amount of respect for the animals. Farmers put their heart and soul into raising animals. People show their animals at events to be judge on quality, to learn, and develop friendships with fellow animal enthusiast. Yet there are people who see this industry as nothing but a heartless machine that treat animals with disrespect, and only care about end products and money. These people highlight the few farmers who don’t represent the majority. Then†¦show more content†¦Most of the commercial livestock population isn’t halter trained. By dragging them on their butts they eliminate the risk of sheep getting loose, hurting themselves, and prevents them from getting st ressed out. Harvesting animals for meat may be the largest target for negative publicities. There is no sugar coating the topic, the best way is to be as quick as possible with as little pain as possible. Herding animals into a chute or small narrow area allows employees to put the animal down in one try with minimal stress. Animals die. We do our best to prevent deaths but sometimes it can’t be avoided. One must accept that death is apart of life. We must point out that in many videos they show dead animals getting dragged out of pens or stalls in a â€Å"barbaric† manner. This is a acceptable practice. You as a farmer, a human to be more precise, are not expected to carry out a couple hundred pound cow bridal style out of the free stall barn. Dead animals can’t feel pain, you need to remove the animal out in order to prevent disease and keep living animals relaxed. Depending on cause of death butchering may not be an option, burying and burning carcuses are both good ways to dispose of a body. Caracuses attract files which can carry disease and cause discomfort to livestock. At this point the health of the whole herd needs to be put first. Preventing deaths is achieved by practicing herd health management. Tasks from deworming, facility maintenance,Show MoreRelatedGeorge Orwells Use of Language Techniques to Represent Power in Animal Farm1408 Words   |  6 PagesGeorge Orwells Use of Language Techniques to Represent Power in Animal Farm Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely; and this is eloquently proved in George Orwells novel Animal Farm. In this satirical fable, Orwell uses his allegorical farm to candidly illustrate the corruptive nature of power and to symbolise the communist system in the microcosm of a farmyard barn. George Orwell was the pen name of Eric Blair, a British political novelist andRead MoreEssay on Animal Farm by George Orwell1117 Words   |  5 Pagesin ’Animal Farm’ by demonstrating how language can cause corruption. 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